So you love taking car photos and want to create an Instagram account with 1,000s of followers? If you already own a special or interesting car you might have an advantage but car meets are a great place for photography and perfect for growing your Instagram followers. With so many cars in one place, taking great photos is just the beginning, use these tips to make the most of your pictures.
1. Tag car owners in their photos
Car owners will often add an Instagram sticker to their car so while taking photos take a look around and see if you can find one.
Instead of tying to remember each one simply take a photo of the sticker at the same time as the whole car so you can match them together later when editing and uploading.
This will also make it easy for you to find other tags which the owner uses on their own account and hopefully gain even more attention.
2. Car Model Information
Make sure you know the car model details and the location for the description and hashtags. If you are not familiar with the exact model of car you are photographing then take some extra shots of badges, models or any other information that you can use later.
The owners will appreciate your understanding of their car and the extra tags will spread your image further.
3. Car Clubs
Look out for other stickers, flags or t-shirts for car clubs as they are also good to tag and get people looking at your photos especially if they have a lot of members. You might also be able to use this information to find other instagram accounts to tag.
4. Post Regular Content
Unless it’s important to get your photos posted quickly after an event, the best strategy for gaining followers is to post regularly instead.
If this sounds like lots of work there are many tools out there which can help to save time by scheduling post automatically. This way you can upload lots of photos at the same time and set them to go live every few days. Here are just a few of the most popular tools:
Even though your posts will be automated don’t forget to engage with your followers by replying to comments and questions!
5. Create a unique profile
Car photography is very popular so making your Instagram account stand out can be difficult – no matter how good your photos are. One of the bast ways to attract attention is to create a profile with a unique theme.
This could be the style of your photos, a specific car model or a niche car sector or brand. Pick something that you have an interest in and can continue to photograph to fill you account with regular content.
Often this can be your own car since it’s probably the one you have best access to and the most knowledge about. Obviously the more popular the subject, the greater the number or people who will be interested in your photos. You can’t rely on nice photos of the same car for long so you will need create other interesting content. Photograph your latest modification, car detailing, seasonal upgrades and details that create a story around your car.
6. Become an expert
As well as posting regular content, keep regularly liking and positively commenting on other people’s posts. You’ll earn follows and become recognised